Monday, April 6, 2009

Great Blog Article at Financial Post

Greg Murray has posted on the FP Blog about the importance of innovation in tough economic times entitled - Innovate, Innovate, Innovate

Here is an excerpt:

There has been much ink spilled recently on how times are tough right now for everyone. The converging events of decreasing consumer confidence, a low CAD and increasing inflation have left a lot of businesses struggling to keep their head above the rising recessionary tide.

While there is little that can be done to prevent these external threats, there is a great deal that companies and leaders can do to stay viable. At this point in time, the risk of omission is much greater than the risk of simple terms, do something, anything...INNOVATE!

I was at a session last week with John Torella, an internationally renowned marketing consultant for the JC Williams Group. Torella is an idealist; when asked by a student what to do to get hired in these tough times, he answered "get a job." While it was meant to be a joke, it bears some truth: refrain from falling into the dark hole of negative economic rhetoric, and instead focus energy on innovation.

Torella pointed to Apple as a prime example of an organization that embodies innovation. In these tough times, Apple is not discounting their products or bundling products; they are continuing to sell premium products at premium prices. How? Through obsessive and unrestrained innovation.

1 comment:

  1. There has been much ink spilled recently on how times are tough right now for everyone.
